Smuggling car

An Escaperoom was built in and around this Audi Q7. Escape Room Q7 was built for the Police and/or Customs especially for the themes:
Nodal Orientation, Smuggling and Darkweb.

Nodal orientation: orientation of the police to the flows of people, goods, money and information, with the aim of strengthening the police function (including supervision and control) with respect to the nodes in these flows; it concerns, for example, the flows of people and goods at infrastructure nodes (stations, main roads, approach roads, airports, ports)

Why deploy the Escape Room?
A fun and interactive way of learning

o Creating Awareness
o Working together on team building
o Can be placed in any location
o Free PR


The debriefing

During the game we try to make clear how the players can recognize a smuggling car and what the dangers of Undermining are. To enhance this learning effect, it is possible to hire an expert.

The Gamemaster and Expert watch the game and will discuss key aspects of Undermining after the game. It also discusses how the participants dealt with this during the game.

So we use the de-brief to highlight issues and make them discussable.

So the de-brief is actually even more important than the game itself!
We can provide the Expert, but it may also be someone from your own team.